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The Kid's Illustrated Cookbook is Dedicated to Creating Safer Schools for Students & Staff.

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A Portion of Each Sale Will Be Donated to the Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint

The Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint is a non-profit organization that works to create safer schools for students, teachers, and staff. 


Introductory Statement: **


Restraint and seclusion, outdated crisis management techniques that are commonly used in schools across the nation and beyond, are disproportionately used on disabled and minority children. These interventions are dangerous and can lead to significant trauma and injuries to students, teachers, and staff. Some children have even died as a result of the use of restraint and seclusion.

There are far better ways to work with children that avoid the need for crisis management. Our schools should be moving towards neurodevelopmentally informed, trauma-sensitive, biologically respectful, relationship-based ways of understanding, and supporting students. 


We can and must do better.




Safer schools for students, teachers, and staff.




Our mission is to educate the public and connect people who are dedicated to changing minds, laws, policies, and practices so that restraint and seclusion are reduced and eliminated from schools across the nation (and beyond).






We value, embrace, and celebrate diversity. We are committed to equitable treatment of all human beings irrespective of race, gender, age, religion, identity, and neurological differences.  We are also dedicated to the elimination of racism and discrimination in all forms.




All children must be treated with dignity and respect. Children must not be humiliated, manipulated, exploited, or subjected to harsh forms of punishment, such as restraint, seclusion, and corporal punishment.  Such treatment negatively impacts a child’s feelings of dignity, value, and self-worth.




A sense of emotional as well as physical safety is a prerequisite for learning, a child cannot learn if they do not feel safe. Children who feel valued, safe, seen, soothed, and secure at school are unlikely to engage in behavior that might be challenging to educators, and they are more likely to be successful in school.  




We believe that strong relationships are the key to working with all children. Co-regulation and connection with a trusted adult can help children to build self-regulation skills. Positive relationships between families and schools are also critical in helping children to be successful.




We believe that schools should be inclusive for all children. The principles of universal design should be incorporated in all learning environments. All students must be provided with appropriate supports, accommodations, and modifications to ensure that they have an equal opportunity to succeed.




We believe that collaboration is the key to solving problems that occur when students are unable to meet school expectations. When students and school staff collaborate to solve problems, durable solutions can be achieved that meet the concerns of all involved parties. 




We believe that to reduce and eliminate aversive practices, school staff must have an understanding of neuroscience, including brain structure and function; the brain/body regulatory systems; stress, distress, and trauma; threat response patterns; sensitization and tolerance; state-dependent functioning; and resilience.


**Information is copied and shared directly from

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